Seminar “Anti-bullying”

Tilrettelagt norskopplæring ofte overser presiseringen av hva som menes med mobbing ifølge en definisjon i en elevundersøkelse. Foto: illustrasjonsbilde.
Author Recent Posts Alfredo Biamont Latest posts by Alfredo Biamont (see all) Etterlyser fokus på andre faktorer enn kultur og religion som årsaker til høy smitte - 22.04.2021 Sanitære kontrollregler styrkes i Oslo byggeplasser - 02.03.2021 Årets ERAS festival finner sted 24. og 25. august - 03.08.2019 Anti-bullying, called “mot mobbing” in Norwegian, has been […]

Anti-bullying, called “mot mobbing” in Norwegian, has been a heated topic for a long time in Norwegian society. It has been estimated that about one in four pupils will be subjected to bullying at some time during their school years.

So what is the real “mobbing” situation in Norway now? How to define “mobbing”. How to respond to “mobbing” if it happens? And how to avoid it? These are some questions many parents, especially new, immigrant parents, would like to ask.

Speaker: Mr. Knut Rinden from Barnevakten.