D.R. Congo: the most deadly war since 1945

More than 3.4 million people have died since 1997, The Democratic Republic of Congo have been experiencing the most deadly conflict in Humanity history since 1945.

Mostly victims are children and women have forgotten in this Congolese world war. However the vast majority have died from starvation and diseases due to the activities of the various armed groups operating in the country.

We will remember that the African’s worst war started following the aggression from the East and the North by Rwandan and Ugandan. Two neighbouring country as they argued that they were prevented armed groups attacking them from the Congo’s territory.

“That is unfair since the international community have allowed our poor population to die and fly from our land, we are living a kind of hell.” Argued Ichi a refugee who fled to Uganda in 1999

The conflict brought in armies, which have left, from other countries to fight on the side of the Congolese Government.

However, ethnic clashes between the Hema and Lendu in the troubled northeastern province of Ituri remain a potential stumbling block to peace.

Today while the government and the political actors in that conflict are engaged to settle and work together for peace and Democracy, but the Congolese people still suffering, weeping and despairing