Bush: Denies Iraq is in civil war

US President George W Bush has said he does not believe Iraq has descended into civil war but urged the nation's leaders to confront sectarian violence.

Ireland: Sports bodies behind anti-racism

Northern Ireland sporting bodies are getting behind a fresh drive to stamp out racism.

UK: Students demonstrate against tutor

Students from the University of Leeds have demonstrated against a lecturer who claims black people have a genetically lower IQ than white people.

UK: Arrests follow racist chanting

Eleven people have been arrested for disorder and racist chanting at a Staffordshire football ground.

US: Witness killed for US jail gang

The first witness in the trial of four alleged members of a racist prison gang in the US has told how he killed as part of his initiation to the gang.

UN: Racism warning to Guatemala

The UN Development Programme has urged Guatemala to overcome what it called "historically racist attitudes" towards indigenous peoples.

Serbia: Milosevic burial being blocked

Slobodan Milosevic's son, Marko Milosevic, has accused Serbia of blocking his father's burial in the country.

Hamas: Coalition wanted

Officials from the Islamic militant group Hamas held a meeting on the possibility of forming a Palestinian coalition government.

India: 13 villagers killed by rebels

Rebels in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand have killed at least 13 people in a remote village, police say.

Bagdad: 3 bombs kills 36

Three car bomb attacks have killed at least 36 people in Baghdad, bringing the total killed in the day to more than 55, according to Iraqi officials.