Iraqi prisoners abused by US soldiers

Attack dogs, sexual humiliation, rape threats and acid were among the abuses US military police used against Iraqi detainees in a Baghdad jail.

Details of the brutal treatment of prisoners are revealed in a confidential US Army report which says the detainees were subjected to “sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses”.

After threatening to pour acid over the inmates of Abu Ghraib jail, the military police poured relatively harmless phosphoric acid from chemical lights on to the frightened prisoners.

Cold water also was sprayed on naked detainees and some inmates were forced to masturbate in front of each other.

Military dogs were used to frighten the detainees, and a military police guard with no medical qualifications stitched the wounds of a detainee who had been slammed against a wall in his cell.

The report will be detailed in a New Yorker article. The new details came as the prison abuse scandal spread to include similar ill-treatment by British troops.

Most of the abuses occurred between October and December last year before US guards complained about their colleagues and an inquiry was launched.