Den 7. internasjonale Metropoliskonferansen

I tillegg til et spennende plenumsprogram blir disse temaene ytterligere drøftet i egne arbeidsgrupper: Helse og migrasjon, by og migrasjon, kjønn og migrasjon, ungdom og migrasjon, diskriminering, arbeidsmarked, økonomi, utdanning, sosial integrasjon og sikkerhet.

The Metropolis project creates opportunities for discussion among government decision-makers, researchers, and non-governmental agents on ways of improving policies and programs for effectively handling migration issues and the impacts that migration and diversity produce for life in our cities.

Metropolis fosters exchanges that go beyond the stating of positions, beyond descriptions, and beyond advocacy.
It provides unique opportunities for stakeholders who share a vision of improving society through collaboration and partnership to engage each other, to acknowledge problems openly, and to work, unfettered, to solve them.

Four interrelated sub themes will be focussed at the conference:

-Globalisation and the Politics of Migration

-Empowerment and the Effectiveness of Citizenship

-Urban textures – How our cities are impacted by migration

-Gender in Migration

The conference should be attended by researchers, policy makers, administrators, and representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs).