The Diversity Dividend: The benefits of a diverse workforce

The City of Oslo, the Canadian Embassy and the Directorate of Integration and Diversity invites you to a conference in Oslo on the 18th of January 2007 The Diversity Dividend: The benefits of a diverse workforce The conference will address the question of how diversity is a gain to both society and the economy, and how all participants in a diverse society can benefit from the dividends that diversity brings.

Drawing on both Canadian and Norwegian experiences, the conference will discuss strategies and solutions – in the world of business, education and the public sector – for reaping the benefits of a diverse workforce.

The conference will also look at some of the challenges facing immigrant communities in Norway – and how an investment in education and innovation can pay off for communities and also for the economy. There will be a focus on the expectations of the new generation of descendants of immigrants, the second generation who are born in Norway.

At the conference you will meet, hear and interact with scholars, educators, businesspeople and civic leaders, participating in a debate on diversity and the future of our cities and nations.


Internasjonal mangfoldskonferanse i Oslo 18. januar 2007

The Diversity Dividend: The benefits of a diverse workforce


0830                Registrering


0900                Velkomst

                        Byrådsleder Erling Lae og ambassadør Jillian Stirk


0920                Hvilken vei tar integreringen i Norge?

                        Terje Osmundsen, Mandag Morgen


0940                Den flerkulturelle byen

                        Benedicte Brøgger, Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet


1000                Den varme velkomsten

                        Forsker fra Canada


1050                Mangfold i norsk arbeidsliv

                        Jon Rogstad, Institutt for samfunnsforskning


1130                Minoritetene og fagbevegelsen

                        Ellen Stensrud, LO


1200                Integrering og bidraget fra det sivile samfunn

                        Ratna Omidvar, Maytree Foundation


1230                Lunsj


1330                Parallelle workshops:


                        Mangfold i næringslivet

                        Ronald Craig, Senter for menneskerettighet

                        Andre innlegg fra bl.a. NHO og Mangfold i Arbeidslivet


                        Innovasjon og utdanning

                        Innleder fra Telenor

                        Andre innlegg fra Ungt Entreprenørskap, Sandaker videregående skole og Oslo                      Voksenopplæring


                        Partnerskap og det sivile samfunn        

                        Sven Mollekleiv, Veritas og Røde Kors

                        Andre innlegg fra Gamlebyen skole og Afrikan Youth


                        Den flerkulturelle byen: Groruddalen

                        Benedicte Brøgger, AFI

                        Andre innlegg fra bydel Alna, IKEA og Oslo Kulturforening


1530                Lærdom ved dagens slutt

                        Lisa Cooper, IMDI


1600                Slutt


The City of Oslo, the Canadian Embassy and the Directorate of Integration and Diversity invites you to a conference in Oslo on the 18th of January 2007

The Diversity Dividend:  The benefits of a diverse workforce

Please fill in this form and send it by mail to (vær vennlig å fylle inn påmeldingsskjemaet og send det til)


[email protected]



Name / navn


Place of work, organization / arbeidssted


Title / stilling


E-mail address




Choice of workshop (1, 2, 3 or 4)

Valgt workshop








Time limit / tidsfrist Friday 12. January 2007