Policing Expression

Fritt Ord, Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk (ILOS) og Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter (NCHR) inviterer til seminar.

This seminar is occasioned by the first major study of apartheid censorship, The Literature Police: Apartheid Censorship and Its Cultural Consequence (Oxford UP) by Peter D. McDonald. The book reveals the murky world of censorship and explores its unpredictable consequences and the many forms of cultural resistance it inspired. The Literature Police also uncovers a complex web of cultural connections linking Africa and Europe, and the seminar will ask what role Norwegian development aid played in South Africa in this period.

Since its liberation from apartheid, South Africa has struggled to find a balance between freedom of expression and the interests of minorities. Taking this situation as a departure point, we will ask what should be the boundaries of expression in today’s intercultural world.

Vennligst se vedlagt invitasjon

Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk
