Creativity, Dissidence and Women

Nawal El Saadawi vil snakke om ”Creativity, Dissidence and Women” under Fritt Ords arrangement “En ballong til Allah – kvinner og islam”.

“What is creativity? What is the relation between creativity and dissidence, and between women and dissidence? Nawal El Saadawi will also give attention to oppression of women under the patriarchal capitalist imperialist military system, globally and locally. Furthermore, she will discuss problems of religions in the State and Family Laws: Why is secularism important for the liberation of women?”

Etter en musikalsk åpning med Namaa Al Ward og Hege Rimestad vil Nawal El Saadawi holde sitt innlegg. Deretter vises Nefise Özkal Lorentzens nye dokumentarfilm ”En ballong til Allah”.

Den egyptiske legen, forfatteren og feministen har vært en sentral person under revolusjonen i Egypt, se:

Al Jaazera English:

“Mother of the revolution”

New York Times:
”We are all Egyptians”


“50 pounds and a chicken to beat us”

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