Solution to the Western Sahara Issue?

Foto: Bjørn Christian Tørrissen
Author Recent Posts Claudio CastelloJournalist i Utrop Latest posts by Claudio Castello (see all) Una Pasovic vil inn på Stortinget - 12.10.2024 Ny gateutstilling feirer det fargerike og mangfoldige Grønland - 12.10.2024 Statsbudsjettet: Vil øke støtten til leselyst og flerspråklighet - 10.10.2024 Few know about Morocco’s effort for peace. In 2006 Morocco proposed the Moroccan […]

Few know about Morocco’s effort for peace. In 2006 Morocco proposed the Moroccan Initiative for Western Sahara, an initiative for autonomy for Western Sahara.

Although there are different opinions about this initiative, it has received backing from a number of countries. Morocco believes that this initiative will help stabilize the region and lead to a peaceful solution for all parties.

Why is Morocco working for this initiative? And how can this solution help to positively change the region?

– Dr. Abdelhafid El Ouali, Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Casablanca
– Dr. Anna Khakee, Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta
– Lise Lyck, Associate professor at the Copenhagen Business School
– Erik Jensen, Former Special Representativ of the UN for MINURSO

Eric Cameron, Journalist

The seminar is free and open for all.

Marokkansk Arbeiderforening, SUM & SAIH

For more information: events/events/ulandsseminaret/spring-2013/03-12-ulandsseminaret.html