Are the Africans in Norway able to have access to; health services, job opportunities, and housing or not?

Theme: Are the Africans in Norway able to have access to; health services, job opportunities, and housing or not?

The overall objective of the seminar is to highlight the positive and negative experiences Africans in Norway are encountering in relation to; coping with their health issues and making use of the available health services, job opportunities, and housing.
The presenters are experienced professionals and workers with massive knowledge on the above mentioned issues. The program for the seminar will be sent to you as soon as it is finalized.

Please we request that you inform us latest by 27.11.2015 if you will be able to attend and how many members in your organization and/or friends will be attending; by sending your registration to [email protected]
Should you require any information in relation to this seminar, please contact the following Telephone numbers:
Mob: +47 99537054

Mob : +4798004409

We look forward to your coming and active participation in the seminar.