Seminar om samarbeid mellom diaspora- og bistandsorganisasjoner

Thinking out of the box - how can migration and development lead to new ways for collaboration?

Møteledere: Pia Reierson, Adra Norway and Tayyab Chaudri (IHSG)

Innledere: Leila Rispens-Noel (INAFI, Senegal),Tomas Magnusson (Gøteborgsinitativet) and Saif Omar (Forum Syd) from Sweden, Marianne Fredriksen (Projektrådgivningen, Denmark), Norunn Grande (Norsk Fredssenter) Michael Vitols and Safia Abdi (Norsk sykepleierforbund), Gisle Kvanvig (Kirkens Nødhjelp), Pilotprosjekt Pakistan (Development Fund) and more.

Bakgrunn: Traditionally migration and development have been treated as two different portfolios. Today the many links that exist between these two fields are increasingly being recognised. Development action can help tackling root causes of migration, and migration can contribute positively to development including economic growth, empowerment and technological progress.

Formål: The aim of this seminar is to present different models for working with migration and development. We also hope that the seminar will stimulate and give ideas to more cooperation between Norwegian CSOs and diaspora groups.

Målgruppe: The target group is persons from Norwegian CSOs, diaspora groups and migrant organisations working with, or interested in development issues. Representatives from authorities, consultants-, and persons from the research and education sector are also welcome.

Innhold: Many diaspora NGOs are active in different types of development in their countries of origin, some in cooperation with traditional development NGOs, some through their diaspora organisastion, international networks or within transnational organisations with roots both in their home country and in their new countries. Different kinds of models are used both in Norway and in other countries. We invited persons and organisations in Norway and from various other countries to share their experiences with different ways of cooperating, and to discuss possibilities and challenges.

Deltageravgift: Participation fee: NOK 200 diaspra groups, migrant organisations and students . NOK 500 small member organisations , NOK 750 other memberorganisations and NOK 1200 non-members.

Påmeldingsfrist: 06.09.09

Kontaktperson i BT: Ane Mygland, [email protected] Tlf: 23163598/ 93282744 and Alice Ennals (Development fund) [email protected] 91898649

Påmelding/avmelding:   Trykk “Meld meg på/Registration” linken under. Avmelding skjer på e-post eller telefon til kontaktperson for arrangementet. Ved avmelding mindre enn to arbeidsdager før arrangementsstart, vil Bistandstorget fakturere 50 % av deltakeravgiften. Dette gjelder ikke ved sykdom. Ved manglende oppmøte uten at forfall meldes, må deltakeravgift betales fullt ut.

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