Seminar på Chateau Neuf søndag 22. februar

DECONSTRUCTING THE WAR ON TERROR. Med blant annet Erik Fosse, George Galloway og Yvonne Ridley.

Film premier og Guantanamo: Behind the Wire

KL.12:00 – 12:45(registrering)
Kl.12:45 – 20:30 (seminaret m/ film)

Chateau Neuf, storsal

Slemdalsveien 11, Oslo

Billetter: kr100,- (kr.50,- kun med gyldig student bevis)

Mat selges under seminaret


Dr Erik Fosse (NORWAC, in Gaza )
George Galloway (British MP and talkshow host)
Yvonne Ridley (Peace activist, journalist)

Robin Yassin-Kassab (author of The Road From Damascus, Booker prize nominee)

Massoud Shadjareh (Chairman of Islamic Human Rights Commission UK)
Arzu Merali (IHRC – UK)

September 2001 is widely viewed as the day the world change. Not only
were the attacks on the Twin Towers a horrific act of terrorism, but
the months and years after have been mired by increasing conflicts,
leading to international and domestic repercussions for Nations-states.

language of the ‘war on terror’ has been globalized, and has now been
incorporated into the political rhetoric by countries not directly
involved in the 911 events, to forward their political aims. This in
turn has further escalated the fabricated tensions between East and
West, which plays in the hands of those who might want to profit from
such a conflict.

The seminar has been undertaken to discuss
these so-called existing tensions and divides which are so often
referred to as the ‘clash of civilizations’. “Deconstructing the War on
Terror” gives an opportunity to prominent speakers to expand the debate
on many prevalent issues that now form key international relations
issues. With current events such as the decimation of Iraq, Mumbai
attacks, Israel´s reoccupation of Gaza, Guntanamo injustices there is a
need for a renewed dialog and discourse.

-Palestinian-Israeli conflict and recent Gaza siege
-When is military intervention necessary?
-The media’s impact on political debates and people’s perception of «the other»

-Racism and Islamophobia as a result of the ‘War on Terror’
-Underestimating the fatality numbers in Iraq
-The impact of think tanks
-The effects of war, women rights and in direct conflict zones and the displaced

-Military strategies pertaining to the ‘War on Terror’
-Iran and stability in the Middle East
-Civilian human rights in the West and in Iraq and Afghanistan
-Militarizing academia
-Nato in Afghanistan – rethinking strategies

-Pakistan and India – terrorism in both countries


Prosjekt ansvarlig, arrangør, initiativtaker, media

Iffit Qureshi

Faglig rådgivere/ advisors, mobilisation, Urdu media spokesperson:

Sana Majeed
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad

Andrew McMillion

Thomas Tallaksen/ Fredsinitiativet/Venstreallian